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Estrella is back in town !

After more than six months of sailing campaign, Estrella returned to her home port of La Rochelle on June 10th!

Pfiouuu what an adventure!

It will take time to digest all that, to make the assessment, to collect the testimonies...

But what we remember for now is that even if it wasn't always easy, we went all the way! And this is also thanks to you, to the partners who accompany us, to those who surround us, to the sailors who have trusted us, to the wonderful encounters who have, each in their own way, given us a helping hand to move forward ... 🖤 MERCI 🖤 From La Rochelle to the West Indies, passing through Portugal, the Canaries, Cape Verde and the Azores, what a joy to have been able to bring the spirit of Estrella to life and share it with you!

So yes, we are tired, but we have the firm intention to do it again!

What a joy to see the two Tours of La Rochelle getting closer (this arrival at the port is magical!), to find the city in celebration for the nautical week and to cross the gangway of the Bassin des Chalutiers welcomed by our friends.

Among them Didier, whom we had left a month and some wheelbarrows earlier in the West Indies, came to receive the 450kg of his organic turmeric production, brought back in our holds from Guadeloupe.

It's not much, but if we have to go all the way, we might as well take advantage of it to encourage sailing.

We dreamed of it, we had it: oysters and white wine hardly recovered moorings, of what to feel direct to the house. Thanks Franck!

Once the formalities of customs for the curcuma folded and in spite of the tiredness due to our small crossing "Omicron" (we will tell you), we nevertheless found the energy to celebrate our arrival as it should be.

And it is with tears in our eyes that the last crew of this Atlantic loop left the next day. Christophe, Cédric, Nicole, Fanny, Xavier, Jeanne... We will remember this adventure!

After such a journey, the boat was inevitably tired, so we had to work on getting it back in shape before the next work site - and this is thanks to the pillars of Estrella Cathy, Hubert, Franck (welcome to the team!), Thierry; assisted from time to time by other shooting stars... - to be able to resume the navigations.

We were able to welcome on board the crews of the Inter-Company Nautical Challenge organized by the University of La Rochelle and supported by the Lions Club.

During this regatta, Estrella acted as a pontoon boat for a weekend, welcoming more than thirty people on board for the Sunday picnic!

It was a pleasure and a source of pride to take part in this event, which aims to bring together the University and companies around a sports project to benefit the disabled.

We will tell you more soon

And a few days later, it was the turn of the Neovee team to come on board with us for a day. Neovee is the first company that believed in us, it gave us a financial support of 10 000 euros at the beginning, thanks to which we could start the construction site. So we couldn't wait to present Estrella to them, tell them its story and share a day on the water with them! And obviously the pleasure was well shared ;-)

And now ?

navigations are reopening !

For lack of being able to make you discover Estrella between the shipyard and the departure for the transatlantic, we decided to spend the summer in La Rochelle, available to take you sailing :-)

From July to mid October from La Rochelle, we propose half-days, days, week-end, mini-cruises...

Whether you want to take a breath of fresh air, discover the boat, enjoy yourself on a 60-foot boat that makes nice averages or test yourself for your next crossing, if you are in the area, it's time to get in touch !

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